Leaving water in your tanks and plumbing lines is okay if you’re actively using your RV, however if you’re a weekend warrior- you should drain all water from your RV after EACH trip. If water is left on your RV, it will become stagnant, eventually leading to mold, which inevitably will cause foul odors in your water system! Take the right steps ahead to prevent these issues!
1. Fresh Water Tank.
If you filled your fresh water tank, you need to drain it. This is typically a single blue line hanging down under your RV! If you only use city water, skip to the next step!
2. Low Point Drains, If No Low Points- Drain the Outside Shower!
Low Point drains are the lowest points of your water lines! You need to drain them! These are typically red and blue lines located under your RV.
3. Drain Water Heater.
Your water heater is at minimum a 6 gallon tank. When you fill your fresh water tank or connect to city water- it will automatically fill your water heater. You need to drain it! Be sure the water heater is turned off for awhile ( to prevent burning ) This is located on the exterior of your RV typically on a sidewall somewhere. At the back of the water heater you’ll want to remove the drain plug or anode rod and then pull the pressure relief valve!
4. Gray/ Black Tanks.
Your Gray and Black Tanks should be drained at the campground or at a dumping station before parking it. Failure to do so can cause foul odors or faulty tank sensors! Drain these using the septic drainage outlet at the bottom of your RV!